High Age Gap between Me and My Partner. How Astrology can explain this?

High Age Gap between Me and My Partner. How Astrology can explain this?

High Age Gap between Me and My Partner. How Astrology can explain this?

A slight age gap between a husband and wife is normal. But when the age gap between the couple if high then it becomes difficult to know why this is so. But thanks to astrology as it with marriage astrology solutions it is possible to know the exact age difference between you and your partner. With the help of astrology, it is possible to know how elder or younger your partner will be.

Astrology can offer answers to almost all questions, but there are certain questions that cannot be answered in texts and books. In such a case, an astrologer can offer you with the best solutions to your problems. So, if you are concerned about the high age gap between you and your partner then check here some of the common cases that most of the marriage horoscope reveal.

  • When the ascendant-descendant axis are occupied by Aries – Libra, and followed by Virgo – Pisces and Taurus – Scorpio then there can be a high age gap between the couple.
  • If the male horoscope shows rising Mercury before Venus and Sun and is followed by Sun then this can cause a huge age difference between the couple.
  • When Sun is positioned in Capricorn, Mercury in Sagittarius, Venus in Aquarius, then Mercury rises prior to Venus and Sun.

When having a look at the marriage prediction astrology then ascendant is of your horoscope and the front house of the birth horoscope if of the life partner who you wish to marry. Based on this, the reasons for high age gap between a couple can be as follows:

  • The 7th house and its lord is the key to influence the age gap between you and your partner. When there is an effect of Saturn in 7th house then you will marry to an old age person. The age length will be influenced by the intensity of planet on the horoscope.
  • Also, the principle of Lord Navamsais influenced by Saturn then the age gap between the couple will be less. If there are effects of planets like Mercury and Mars who are known to be very young planets in the astrology then the difference will be huge or more.
  • There is a 30-degree angle between two planets. From zero to 5 degree the planet is known as a child. From 6 to 25 degree the planet is known as young, from 26 to 30 degree the planet is called as old aged. Hence, it all depends on the angular aspect of a planet in the 7th house that would decide the age gap between you and your partner.

These are the astrology explanations for age gap between you and your partner. Not just the relationship, but even the nature, appearance, and age gap of your partner is influenced by the planetary positions in your marriage horoscope. Hence, if you wish to know about the exact age difference between you and your partner then expert astrologers can help you know about it.

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Years of Unhappy marriage. Should I move on or Stay. How astrology can help

Years of Unhappy marriage. Should I move on or Stay. How astrology can help.

Years of Unhappy marriage. Should I move on or Stay. How astrology can help.

Marriages are a match made in heaven, or so we are forced to believe. In Hindu marriage astrology, sun signs, planets, and their relating positions are taken into account to design a marriage prediction where kundalis of the couple are coupled together to find out if the marriage would be beneficial or not. However, even astrologers cannot always predict with 100% accuracy what the future of any marriage would look like. After all, the marriage compatibility depends not only on your sun signs (which tell you about the traits and characterizes of a person) but also depend upon the two people in the marriage, who are willing to make the marriage work.

Unfortunately, 50% of all marriages often end up in divorce, and 70% of once happy marriages become unhappy, even toxic after a point of time. An unhappy marriage could eventually lead to divorce, if care is not taken to rekindle the marriage once again.

So what are some of the astrological signs that might lead to an unhappy marriage?

There are three planets- Mars, Mercury and the Moon which can help make this marriage prediction.

  • Those individuals or couples who have the Moon sign might find it difficult to connect with their spouses emotionally. More often than not, this can be the leading cause of an unhappy marriage.
  • The presence of Mars can cause many disputes, misunderstandings, and bursts of anger and rage between the couples. The couples might be looking for different things emotionally, physically and in terms of their lifestyles.
  • The planet Mercury does not hold any power of its own but molds itself according to the characteristics and traits of the individual person. Mercury combined with other planets and sun signs of the individual can magnify certain characteristics, good or bad.

Astrology can be used to predict the future outcome of a marriage by taking into account the chart made by an astrologer. This consists of reading the individual and couples horoscopes, their traits, characteristics, and future predictions when it comes to compatibility, trust, compassion, emotional bonding, careers, etc.

Marriage Astrology can help to make a give a near accurate representation of a couples married life. Astrologers might even be able to give solutions to those who are in an unhappy marriage, however, these solutions are greatly personalized, depending upon the characteristics and charts of the individuals suffering the unhappy marriage.

If you find yourself to be stuck in an unhappy marriage for several years, and are considering staying or leaving the marriage, the first thing that you must ask yourself is- if You are willing to make an effort to make the marriage work, or not. More often than not, a little bit of effort can make a lot of difference in a marriage. There are certain signs which are simply more prone to being emotionally distant, however, if this is something that you and your partner can work on, this too can be overcome.

Changing certain positions of items in your house, more commonly known as Vastu can also help. However, these exact changes can be told to you by a professional astrologer. Many people often turn to astrology to try and get answers for an unhappy marriage. Even if the astrological prediction for your marriage has been unsatisfactory, certain changes done by the individuals themselves can often make a difference between a happy and an unhappy marriage.

Visit a professional astrologer to get an accurate reading and solutions to tend to an unhappy marriage.